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Fragrant Fields

Pyracantha (Firethorn)

Pyracantha (Firethorn)

Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
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Name: Pyracantha

Botanical Name: Pyracantha coccinea

Zone: 6-10

Soil: Average.

Exposure: Full Sun, light shade

Bloom Time and Color: Clusters of white flowers in May

Description: This Deciduous bush blooms clusters of small white flowers in the Spring and then produces bunches of reddish/orange berries starting in September and persisting until winter. This bush also has a tendency to remain evergreen throughout the year. Use as informal hedge or barrier plant, good for creating walls and trellises. Caution: This bush does produce sharp thorns, and as such is widely used as a security plant under windows, etc.

Care: Doesn't need much care. Easy to grow, very hardy.

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