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Fragrant Fields

Mint, Candy Pops

Mint, Candy Pops

Regular price $5.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.50 USD
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Name: Mint, Candy Pops

Botanical Name: Mentha

Zone: 4-11

Bloom Time:

Soil: Mint will do well in most soil types!

Exposure: Full Sun

Description: "I am convinced that I have created a definite mutation...with this new Mint Hybrid", says Jim Westerfield. All mint plants bloom in a Spear form, or pattern, with approximately 15 brackets of tiny trumpet flowers per Spear. This particular new Mint Hybrid, does not flower in standard Spear fashion. Its mutation, in flowering, has it resembling a Pink Lolipop. It seems the spear has been eliminated! Its Aroma is unique in that it smells like an Herb seasoned butter. In this respect, its culinay usage goes on and on with this mint plant. When in bloom, this new Mint Hybrid will virtually stop all professional herb gardeners in their tracks!

Care: Mint is very easy to grow and is a very hardy perennial.

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