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Fragrant Fields



Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
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Name: Hyssop

Botanical Name: Hyssopus officinalis

Bloom Time and Color: Purple-blue flowers.

Soil: Average, well-drained.

Exposure: Requires full sun

Description: Perennial. This decorative and long-lasting perennial herb has been widely used since ancient times. The plant grows 2 feet tall and spreads about a foot. The purple-blue flowers are about 1/4 inch long and are carried in long, narrow spikes. All parts of the plant give off a strong aroma. Leaves can be used in savory dishes such as rich stews and in marinades. Flowers can be used as an attractive garnish in salads.

Care: Stems should be cut back after flowering, and the plant should be cut off at ground level in the fall.

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