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Fragrant Fields

Alpine Strawberry 'White Soul'

Alpine Strawberry 'White Soul'

Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
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Name: Alpine Strawberry 'White Soul'

Botanical Name: Fragaria vesca

Zone: 5-9

Exposure: Sun to Partial Shade

Bloom Time and Color: White or near white blooms in late summer to early fall.

Description: Alpine strawberry is a low-growing, compact perennial about 10" high with a spread of 8". Flowers are round-petaled in flat clusters on a separate stalk from the leaves. The fruit is a small, white in color, cone-shaped berry studded with tiny, brown seeds. They have a fragrance and taste more delicate than the larger cultivated berries. Alpine strawberries grow quickly and are ever-bearing. Once the fruit appears, the plant will continue to bear all season.

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