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Fragrant Fields

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

Regular price $4.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.50 USD
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Name: Aloe Vera

Soil: Well drained soil with some organic matter and sand.

Zone: Aloe vera, coming from lowland, subtropical areas, is not very frost-hardy. It grows well along the coast where frost is rare.

Exposure: It prefers good sun, Aloe vera is happy in a pot on a windowsill. In this location it will be available to treat mild burns, scrapes, and cuts.

Description: Aloe vera is a drought-resisting, succulent plant which is used for a variety of medicinal purposes. The plant has stiff grey- green lance-shaped leaves containing clear gel in a central mucilaginous pulp. It has been shown to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Care: Watering can be infrequent once the plant is established.

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